Test Instance

You can play with our test instance to understand the API request and response. You will be able to create invoice for $0.01 which roughly translates to 30-35 sats.

It is connected to production bitcoin instanace and the sats will leave your wallet. However, we will not reimburse this amount. Use it only when you need it to test the entire flow.

Test API URL: https://tapi.paysea.net
Test Device: payseatest100
API key: 2C7C39B6D842D43AFB4A675AE61B2

 GET transaction
  curl --location 'https://tapi.paysea.net/txnforpos/payseatest100' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer 2C7C39B6D842D43AFB4A675AE61B2' 
POST /createinvoice

--header 'Authorization: Bearer 2C7C39B6D842D43AFB4A675AE61B2'
--data '{
    "device_code" : "payseatest100",
    "amount": {
        "amount": "0.01",
        "currency": "USD"
    "memo" : "This is the test transaction"

NOTE: PaySea will not reimburse or repay any sats used for testing.

Last updated